As you may have noticed we've been out and about showing off our bespoke shoes and wonderful new Winkers. Last night was no different, so we rocked up to The Dorchester, shoe case in hand, for a very special evening for Savile Row tailor Alexandra Wood, hosted by none other than Rory Bremner.
The Dorchester is a heavenly venue - awash with old and modern style glamour. I have to thank Simon on The Concierge desk and Lee for tracking down our bespoke cases (momentarily lost, but actually efficiently delivered to the Halston Suite). With order and bespoke shoes restored I took a moment to appreciate the beautiful room we were in. Light oak panelling, gilt and understated lighting gave the air of a gentleman's club. Perfect! By 6.30pm the room was awash with well-suited gents and exquisite women and I had a fantastic time chatting about the merits of bespoke (aided by a glass or two of the sparkly stuff)!
Now I don't know about you, but I'm highly critical when it comes to men in suits. I have been known to shout at the TV when a particularly heinous style crime is committed...and there are certain comedic celebs who desperately need tailoring...Dara what's with the baggy strides, for instance?
But Mr Bremner, well he tends to look dapper - safe, but dapper - but (forgive me) his suits haven't always been the best fitting. Not so last night. Since he's been 'bespoked' by Alexandra in a soft grey pinstripe, he's the epitome of modern - lean silhouette, good colour, lightweight cloth and brown accessories (yes, that's brown accessories). Now Mr Bremner, what about those shoes?
Talking of shoes, here's the Master's musings on a 'snappy' pair he's been working on:
Crocodile shoes, very beautiful. Not to everyone's taste, but unquestionably striking. I love them and want a pair, but even getting the making free, I cannot afford them...they are eye-poppingly expensive.
And the king of crocodile shoes, for me, is the wholecut. Why? Because it is effortlessly elegant; and because you need two big skins to make the uppers (big animals cost more because they must be farmed for longer to get them to the right size). And why two? To match the scales. If you are going to do it, do it right.
A beautiful, but very pricey proposition. But if money is no object, then they are sumptuous, extravagant and sexy! And forget all that stuff about ostentation, they are cool. One more thing, it has to be the high gloss version rather than the matt skins. They are too half-hearted.
This lovely client ordered two pairs. And what do you hear me hum when I write this? La la la la la I'm loving it.