Apologies that this posting is not sequential, but I have been busy catching up with client work in the studio having just made it past the ash cloud by the skin of my teeth!
Some of the tools of the trade set out to show the students what to expect and what they will be working with. Front and centre are the most important - the shoemakers' knives!
Hesper proving you don't need to be big and muscly to be a shoemaker.
The NYPD's loss was our gain as Tom determinedly hand crafted his shoes.
The beauty of the shoemaking classes is how supportive everyone is.
Thanks for a great class everyone...let us know how you get on with your next pair (and don't forget we are only an email or Skype call away if you get stuck!)
Mr D. is still out enjoying juicy bites of the Big Apple but what a great time we had...and hopefully our students did too. I really loved teaching the group, but felt rather guilty because I really had to push hard during the first week to keep everyone on track for when Mr D. took over. But it seems to have all paid off and I received a little mini-film this afternoon of the class dancing about in their finished shoes! Whew, well done guys, you really worked hard and I loved seeing the results!
But to re-cap and fill in some of the gaps here are some pics from the outset of my time in class. As you can see we are in the light and airy space of former student and now NY shoemaker Jesse Moore. A big shout out and thank you to Tom and Jesse for looking after the limeys so wonderfully...a jog in Prospect Park, supper at Gotham and a NY pilates class are amongst my highlights!!!

Kris, Tom and Ryan urged each other on through lasting lumps, welting wobbles and bristle breakdowns and Colin kept the mood light with some choice one-liners.

We always knew the two-week, six days a week intensive was going to be tough and sometimes the guys just needed a little down time...even if it was a 20 minute cat nap mid-afternoon!