as you can see they couldn't contain themselves when the bubbly and cake came out to celebrate their achievements
Canan - glowing with pride as she models her comfortable, well-fitting shoes - "maybe the shoes I usually wear are too tight"?

Peter - is that relief, delight or sheer exhaustion? Probably all three as he was devastated when one of his shoes would not come out of the last. Why not? Well, they were a harsh reminder why it is important not to use too many nails doing the split lift at the heel. It took all 8 of us pulling and tugging, plus some risky action with a screwdriver to eventually get the last out. Once you get into a karma mode with shoemaking it will have a great effect on the old BP - calmer and karma = good shoes. Hope Claire was impressed on Tuesday night!

I've been

Boy do those guys know how to create a sleek, sexy retail environment ...and to party. Great set, great guests, just great....only sorry fashion products weren't included or our fabulous resort shoes - the Winkers - might have made it onto the shelves. But it was good to see them on so many party feet -

arris Tweed versions next month in the Notting Hill boutique.
Now, off with the lippy and back to the knives and workbench...happy shoemaking until next week.