Hello there followers. A pair of tricky shoes here. The essence of bespoke shoemaking. There is a fine line between troublesome feet and orthopedic. This client has no specific or diagnosed problems with his feet, but they are an unusual shape. Very wide at the joint, and full around the top edge. The other thing is that feet like these change in size and shape a lot when at rest and when the full weight is on them. The only thing to do in these cases is to take the measurements; make the lasts; get the shoes ready for a try-on and then be prepared for a series of adjustments and fittings. You get there in the end, but patience is needed on both sides.

Now they are made and ready for delivery, there is an element of trepidation. Will they fit? All that work, time and energy. It's not the end of the world if they don't, but... If they don't fit, we will be able to tweak and adjust. I will let you know how we get on.

I think this shot really shows the unusual shape. Ever seen a shop bought shoe like this? That is what you get with bespoke shoes though. It's a process; an investment of time and work, both by the maker and the client. You get what you pay for I suppose. Will let you know what the customer says. Fingers crossed!