It is a great visit, with an array of designer/makers in most craft disciplines - highly recommended.
Now, a few things to catch up on. Firstly those shots of the Mr Fox model in Bergdorf Goodman. We went and it is there, which is quite exciting (the only way we will ever get in, you cry? I don't think so). Please forgive my lack of layout skills. I can welt in a straight line, but laying out 3 photos similarly is beyond me.

You can just about see the lasts and our boxes. It's very cute.
Staying in New York, a couple of shots of the Leffot trunk show. The table looked lovely with the Winkers in pride of place, and the womens bespoke shoes shown for the first time Stateside. It really is a beautiful shop and the interior shows the shoes off in their best light.
Now that the Winkers are stocked there, it was a good chance for fans to see the other colourways. The McDougal Check was, again, a favourite.

I only got a chance to shoot those Norwegian welted Half-cut boots with the client in them, but you get an idea of how they look. He was really pleased and so were we. I think they look great and the Other One says they are her favourite thing we make. But then she has a boot fetish. I think the style does work very well as a boot and we have discussed making a Limited Edition from it. My worry is that men don't tend to wear boots. Am I wrong? Do you guys wear boots? And what percentage of the time?

And finally, some shots of the Hepburn being modelled. This is a lovely bespoke shoe and looks great on, I think you will agree. The model this time is not Mother Ducker (who is coming to visit today with friends and taking me out for lunch), but our lovely friend Jesse (the cheque is in the post). That scooped down top edge is a real success and we will be using it more in our women's collection.