Back from a lovely week in Sark and with Mr Ducker relaxing in the Peak District we wanted to share our recent trip to Baker's of Colyton...a trip that has been far too long in the offing.
Anyway, we finally made it by train and then local bus to Colyton for some Devon sunshine, hospitality and surroundings that even my camera phone makes look idyllic.
The buildings may vary in age but Farrow and Ball would have a field day with the textures, colours and hues. The atmosphere is one of quiet, steady work with good natured chaps going about their daily work with the minimum of fuss in bucolic surroundings; creating the finest leathers in an entirely sustainable way.
This site has been a tannery since Roman times and has been in the Baker family since 1862. The only oak bark tannery remaining in Britain, Bakers' tanning methods have been perfected over the centuries to create leather that is unrivalled - hard wearing, strong and with distinctive colours - that we use throughout our bespoke shoe construction and for students on our courses.
James arriving at Bakers |
The original thatched building at the entrance to the Bakers' site housed the original currier - responsible for dressing the tanned hides |
A painterly palette |
An scythe, hoe, spade and sickle keep nature at bay |
Where the waste water from the tannery runs away; no chemicals or pollution |
Looking down on the oak bark store |
Dressed hides in beautiful mocha, caramel, sable and honey |
Rows and rows of nails in the beams - a story of past activities |
Even the floor vents are beautifully designed |
The brass roller |
Andrew Parr sharing his knowledge with James |
Unsorted, stacked bends |
Ropes from the tanning pits, preserved and strengthened with the tanning process |
More from Bakers next week. Until then happy shoemaking!